Friday, 18 December 2015

Ways to Motivate Your Kids

Children are like clay, you can mold them in any shape. They can achieve simply anything if you have motivated them enough. Even if they are extremely intelligent they won’t be able to give their best if they are not motivated enough.
Your child is all set and ready to perform a task all he needs is just motivation. The motivation which can only be done by parents; it is so positive, optimistic, that even if the child is not ready he is able to feel determination to perform a task. It is a vital component of the whole learning process. It not only helps children to get engaged in academics but also motivates to think beyond studies. Billabong high international school shares their expert’s voice about how to motivate children as
Ways to motivate kids
1. Make education part of your conversation about life
Constantly asking kids to study gives no such results. Therefore if you can get their studies involved in daily conversations then it can certainly prove to be a positive and a good learning factor for your child. Talk about evolution and practical, doctors and a lot more. Kick on the opportunity and they will be prompted to you in no time to learn more.
2. Create things with them
Children are extremely creative. So help them execute their ideas. They just need a push especially from you to carry forward their beautiful thoughts. Therefore when you allow them to express what they feel makes them feel confident and makes them feel great. It is a win win situation for both parents and children as if you are creating together then there are no fear that they might do anything which can hurt them.
3. Experiment together
Allowing children to express their creativity from their hearts puts them in charge and gives them great confidence. Give your child free access to the tools they need to express them and remember that being creative together can be as simple as collecting sticks and rocks on a walk and carefully arranging them in a way that pleases them.
4. Let them help you cook
Children love to do things which they think they can’t. Especially the ones which they know they won’t get permission of. So sometimes let them help you in kitchen. It will help them feel that you trust them and they will be able to create a special bond with you. Along with the bond you will be able to teach them about recipes and strategies used to make a dish.
5. Interact with them
Ask them what they did in school, ask them questions which are important to them like what happened when they submitted their project this will generate a habit of sharing things. Alongside you will be able to know what is happening and f there is anything about which your child is upset.
Billabong High International School, Thane. Billabong high ensures that the each child is given special attention. So if you want your child’s initial years to be strong and with a heavy base, get them in Billabong high school.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Role of parents in IEP.

What is IEP?
The IEP, Individualized Education Program, is a composed document that is created for every government funded school child who is qualified for special education program. The IEP is made through collaboration and surveyed at any rate once per year.
Before an IEP can be composed, your child must be qualified to avail special education program. By government law, a multidisciplinary group must verify that (1) she's a youngster with disability and (2) she requires special studies and related administrations to profit by the general training system.
Who Needs an IEP?
A child who experiences issues with learning and working and has been recognized to have special study treatment is the ideal contender for an IEP. Kids battling in school may fit the bill for support administrations, permitting them to be taught specially, for reasons like
  1. learning disabilities
  2. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  (ADHD)
  3. emotional disorders
  4. cognitive challenges
  5. autism
  6. hearing impairment
  7. visual impairment
  8. speech or language impairment
  9. developmental delay

Role of parents at the meeting
Parents regularly feel overpowered when they go to an IEP meeting because of a lot of people arriving there. The time passes by rapidly, and you may feel hurried.
  1. Communicate routinely with school staff so you'll have a idea of what the instructors may say at the meeting.
  2. Prepare your contemplation's before the writing so as to meet down the critical focuses you need to make about your kid. On the off chance that you'd like, request that have your data incorporated into your tyke's IEP.
  3. Take somebody with you to serve as your emotionally supportive network. If your spouse or relative can’t accompany you, request that a trusted companion to come with you. if you choose to bring a companion or promoter, you ought to inform the school so they know about whom you're bringing.
  4. Ask questions if you don't comprehend the terms being used. So that you can have a better understanding.
  5. Try to stay engaged and positive. If anybody gets disappointed or furious, request that person to have a meeting and develop optimism.
  6. You don't need to consent to the objectives or administrations at the meeting. You can take the IEP home to audit, get info, and research accordingly.
Billabong high international is none of the best pre-primary high school in thane. It aims for the betterment of the country as a whole. So if you think your child needs special attention then you must consult our consulate for better understanding.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


Sometimes, its very mind boggling that all we care about is our selfish needs. We don’t bother to go out in natural beauty. We don’t want to cherish our natural resources. We are happy being at home, in our room with a television and our mobile phones. We take shopping as a break. We treat dinner in a fancy restaurant as an outing. We prefer places which are happening over places which are serene and refreshing.  Billabong school, thane thus suggests you to take your kids on an outing in the wake of nature. Let your children see the beauty our world is blessed with.
But think about it how important it is give our mind, soul and body to give some peace and rest under the arms of nature. So we suggest you to spend your vacation in a place where there is natural beauty.
By default when you are on a trip, you happen to be in good mood. So give yourself natural smiles, let your children see what they are missing. Show them the beauty of falling water, ice melting on the mountains, beautiful lakes with extensive flora and fauna.
Taking a vacation is that natural therapy which can’t be replaced with any treatment. The happiness, Free State of mind, cherished feel one feels on a vacation is priceless. It refreshes and gives a kick start to pursue with your daily life. It revitalizes your strength and also boosts your physical energy.
A vacation is the only where you can spend ample time with your family. In daily day today life there is no time for family. There is work, responsibilities, time constraints and a lot more. But during vacation everybody gets to bond with each other. Bonding is extremely healthy to keep mental stress away.
So this holiday go out on a vacation. Cherish the time with your children. It is important to bond with children to keep them mentally strong. Therefore we, at Billabong, preschool in Thane always ask and teach our kids to worship nature so that they can value what they are all blessed with.